How To Move a Refrigerator During Relocation?

How To Move a Refrigerator During Relocation
A refrigerator is cumbersome and weighty to carry, and therefore it is essential to be done properly for reducing risks of injury, or damage to the freezer. As one of the reputed and professional furniture removalists in Albany, here we have listed the steps that are generally implemented by us for moving a heavy and bulky appliance like a refrigerator.

First of all, we take out everything that are inside the refrigerator including the food items, ice trays and condiments. We take off the fridge magnets as well to prevent them from going missing on the move. If due to some reason, we are unable to remove the shelves and organisers, we keep them secured in their places with duct tape.

The next step we do is unplug the cord and bundle it properly using tape to prevent it from dangling around. If the fridge has an ice maker, we disconnect it from the source of water. Heavy frost build-up is then removed and while the fridge is being defrosted, the drawers and inner surfaces are wiped with disinfectants.

Before moving the refrigerator, we close the doors and fasten them properly using a bungee cord or strong rope. If the fridge has double doors, their handles are tied together also. However, we do not tie the ropes too tightly for it may force the doors to shift from their alignment. Tape is generally not used as in most cases because what we think it either leaves a residue of adhesive or damages the paint.

Being a professional moving services in Albany, we use a dolly for moving the refrigerator safely, for it not only handles the fridge’s weight effectively, but also makes the moving process convenient. The dolly can be slided right under the appliance and after that, the refrigerator is secured with moving straps. Care is taken to ensure that the fridge is not tilted even for one instant, otherwise the compressor oil may flow inside the cooling tubes.

Once the refrigerator is properly hooked with the dolly, it is slowly rolled towards the truck meant for transporting all other items to the new location. If the dolly is being moved down a staircase, two people support it from front and one from the back. After that, it is gently moved up the truck ramp and loaded inside the truck. At the new place, the refrigerator is relocated just as it was moved out.